What to feed your piggy

                    What to feed your piggy 

Sometimes it can be hard to know what to feed your Guinea Pig  so here is a few dos and don'ts for your piggy's diet:


What not to feed your Guinea Pig:

  • Meat because guinea pigs are vegetarians
  • Lighter lettuce 
  • Gassy vegetables
  • Avocado
  •  Onion
  • Grapes or raisins
  • Processed or artificial chemicals 
  • Tomato leaves or stalks
  • Nuts
  • Plants rich in oxalic acid 
  • Garlic
  • Bananas 
  • Seeds 
  • Dairy
  • Chocolate (not only that it contains dairy, but artificial fats or sugars are bad for your piggy
  • Inedible items
  • Beans 

What to feed your Guinea Pig:

  • Hay or grass must be readily available 
  • Guinea pig specific pellets or nuggets
  • Vegetables high in vitamin c, which is an important part of their diet as, like humans guinea pigs cannot make their own vitamin c so foods such as celery are very important
  • Lettuce, your probably thinking that I just said not to feed piggy lettuce, but not all lettuce is bad for them 
  • Guinea Pigs teeth never stop growing so it is recommended to give them something to naw at such as willow or apple branches, which  can be found in many pet shops
  • Constant access to cool, fresh drinking water is vital to your piggy's diet, if they start drinking a lot more or less than usual, it is advised to contact your vet as they may be very ill

So follow these simple dietary needs and your piggy pal will be more than saticefied.     


  1. Piggies aren’t very fussy eaters but it is important to watch what they are eating


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